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Reminder: Pub/Street/Meds is Going Fast

Trysh Travis

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

The window is closing fast for next month’s scintillating Alcohol and Drugs History Society Conference on The Pub, the Street, and the Medicine Cabinet, 24-26 June in Buffalo, New York.  By “window” in this instance we mostly mean “conference hotel special discount rates.”  Those bargain basement prices will be available to all and sundry starting 15 May, and are only guaranteed through the 23rd, so make your reservations NOW by clicking here.  The conference will feature ADHS celebrities from around the globe, and I’ve heard rumors that upon registration participants receive P. Diddy goodie bags stuffed with Big Pharma swag.

If I Had Only Registered for the ADHS Conference in Time, My Life Might Feel More Meaningful Right Now

All session rooms are apparently equipped with chocolate fountains, perpetually re-stocked raw bars, and all the Four Locos you can drink (shrewdly sourced before it was banned by wily conference organizer and Points contributing editor David Herzberg). If you do only one conference this summer, this should be the one.  Don’t delay, register today!  Otherwise you might end up like this small plush cow, looking out at all the festivities and wishing you could join in.

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