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Presentations of Note at the AHA and MLA Annual Conventions

Alex Tepperman

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

Editor’s Note: We noted earlier this week that the ADHS is sponsoring two panels at the AHA in Chicago this weekend, and as Points readers jet off for that conference– or for the MLA, which meets in Seattle on the same days– we wanted to let you know of a few additional offerings that might be of interest to the alcohol and drugs history set.  These are individual papers (titles in bold) appearing within larger panels, so come and show the love for your fellow scholars of the toxic and taboo.

At the AHA:

The Politics of Respectability Reconsidered: Using the Framework of Respectability to Examine Southern Lesbian History Thursday, January 5, 3:00-5:00 p.m. Chicago Marriott Downtown, River North Room

  1. Activist or Apathetic? Lesbians and Bar Space in the Post-World War II South, La Shonda Mims, University of Georgia.

The Illegal City: Drugs, Radical Islam, and Informal Settlements in Africa, the Middle East, and the Postwar United States Saturday, January 7, 11:30a.m.-1:30 p.m. Chicago Marriott Downtown, Iowa Room

  1. Toward a Social History of Crack: Drugs, Informal Economy, and Youth Culture in an Era of Neoliberalism. Donna Murch, University of California, Berkeley.

Madness and Community in the United States: Four Perspectives Sunday, January 8, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers, Arkansas Room

  1. Disordered Delinquents: The Medicalization of Anti-social Behavior in the Late Twentieth-Century United States. Michael A. Rembis, University of Buffalo (State University of New York)

At the MLA:

The Biopolitics of Performance Thursday, 5 January, 1:45–3:00 p.m. Sheraton Seattle, Washington State Convention Center, Room 306

  1. Toxic and Illegible Bodies in Cherríe Moraga’s Heroes and Saints. Yanoula Athanassakis, University of California, Santa Barbara

Dissent and Rebellion in the Arab World Friday, 6 January, 1:45–3:00 p.m. Sheraton Seattle, Washington State Convention Center, Cedar Room.

  1. The Devil, Drugs, and/or Iran Made Them Do It: Regime Responses to Rebellion in the Arab World 2011. Michael Gasper, Occidental College.

Don't Forget to Check Out the Book Exhibit--While Such Things Still Exist

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