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Pointscast Episode 2

Kyle Bridge

Updated: Aug 29, 2023

Today, Alex Tepperman and Kyle Bridge bring you the second installment of the new podcast from Points.

On the second episode of Pointscast:

* Kyle and Alex open with a discussion of Bernie Sanders’s proposals for far more lenient drug re-classification, including a near-decriminalization of marijuana.

* They then shift their focus to Maine Governor Paul LePage, discussing how the continued rhetoric about black drug dealers and white victims speaks to the role of racism in the nation’s drug war as it exists today.

* Later, Kyle interviews Points contributing editor Adam Rathge, whose PhD research at Boston College looks at the century-long road to federal marijuana prohibition in the United States.

* Finally, Alex tells Kyle about former pro wrestler and current yogi Diamond Dallas Page, whose work in drug counseling and life coaching has had mixed success in saving the lives of fellow grapplers.

Enjoy! And you can let Alex and Kyle know what you think at

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