Editor’s Note: We have cross-posted this announcement from H-Net for the benefit of interested Points readers.

The New Books Network (NBN) is seeking hosts for the podcasts “New Books in Drugs, Addiction, and Recovery” and “New Books in Medicine.”
New Book Network hosts pick the books they cover and record the raw interviews. NBN does all post-production (audio editing), publication, and promotion.
Recent episodes of “New Books in Drugs, Addiction, and Recovery” include:
Joseph Gfroerer interviewed by Emily Dufton, Points Managing Editor Emerita, about his book, War Stories from the Drug Survey: How Culture, Politics, and Statistics Shaped the National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
Javier Guerrero interviewed by Geert Slabbekoorn about his book, Narcosubmarines: Outlaw Innovation and Maritime Interdiction in the War on Drugs.
Giulia Zampini interviewed by Rachel Stuart about her “Peoples and Dancefloors” project.
Interested parties should contact Marshall Poe, Editor of the New Books Network, at: marshallpoe@newbooksnetwork.com.
NBN is a network of 100 author-interview podcasts focused on academic books. Its mission is public education. Listeners download 1.25 million NBN episodes a month.