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In Memory of Glenn C.

Points Editors

Updated: Aug 13, 2023

Editor’s Note: The message below comes from the Symposium on AA History, which will be hosting its next meeting in January 2021. Click the link for more info about the group.

On July 27, 2020 one of our fellowship’s finest historians, Glenn C. passed away in his sleep. Glenn was integral in the formation and success of the Symposium on A.A. History. He presented at three out of the six conferences and the Symposium will not be the same without his steadfast presence.

A virtual celebration of his life and legacy will be held on Saturday, September 12, 2020 from 1:00 – 3:00pm PDT and all are welcome (see below for zoom information).

Link to zoom meeting located here

ABOUT GLENN  Glenn wrote a number of important books on the history of Alcoholics Anonymous and the spirituality of the twelve step program. His recent books include The Higher Power of the Twelve-Step Program: For Believers & Non-believers and Changed by Grace: V. C. Kitchen, the Oxford Group, and A.A. (which is included in Bishop’s List of the Fifty Most Important Books tracing A.A.’s history from the last hundred years).  He did his doctorate at Oxford University, and then served as Professor of History and Religious Studies at Indiana University in South Bend for 33 years, where he was one of their most popular teachers. After his retirement, he became Director of the Hindsfoot Foundation, which publishes books on the moral and spiritual dimensions of recovery, and has been devoting his full time to working with alcoholics and addicts. He was a founding member and longtime moderator for the AAHistoryLovers Yahoo Group.

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