As the weather grows colder and the salamanders that normally litter Gainesville’s sidewalks scamper into hiding from Central Florida’s bitter subtropical winter, school begins anew. Right now, a freshman at Sonoma State is trying to puzzle out what exactly this “Semiotics” thing he’s signed up for is while, at Texas A&M, a senior purchases a datebook he knows he’ll never use. Here at Points, I’m taking over the position of Editorial Intern. Over the next five months, I’ll be handling a variety of managerial duties in addition to writing original one-off posts and a regular “Week in Review.” I’ll try to provide our readership with all manner of news tidbits and cultural artifacts.
Just in case you wanted to know a little bit about me, I’m a PhD student in the University of Florida’s Department of History. I’m also a product of the University of Toronto’s Centre for Criminology and Socio-Legal Studies. Befitting someone of my background, I have studied all manner of social problems, with addiction being a particular interest. I got my first up-close look at the intersection of addiction, class, and criminalization as an eighteen year-old intern at the Old City Hall courthouse and have continued working on these issues over the last decade. In the Spring of 2013, Oxford University Press will be publishing the third edition of Beyond The Straight and Narrow, a survey text that I’ve co-written with my father that addresses the varieties and perceptions of deviance in Canada. If you’re looking for a late Christmas gift next year, our book will make a great stocking stuffer (I’m just saying…)
Please feel free to contact me with any Points-related concerns, comments, or questions. I am also happy to discuss the singular brilliance of the Toronto Blue Jays with all interested parties. Alex Tepperman.

Old City Hall Courthouse, home of the City of Toronto Drug Court (photo courtesy of