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Doing Drugs (History) at the AAHM

Claire Clark

Updated: Aug 29, 2023

The annual conference for the American Association for the History of Medicine kicks off this Thursday, and there are several great alcohol and drugs history events on the docket this year. You can join the conversation about them on the association’s new-and-improved conference website and blog.

Chicago, here we come!

Chicago, here we come!

On Friday at noon, Points represents at a lunchtime panel on Blogging the History of Medicine. I’m co-chairing the panel with Jacki Antonovich of Nursing Clio; we’ll be in conversation with Nathaniel Comfort of Genotopia, Elizabeth Mullen of the National Library of Medicine’s Circulating Now, and Lisa O’Sullivan of the New York Academy of Medicine’s Books, Health, and History. Our discussion will focus on the hows of blogging, not the whys.

You might also want to check out:


10:30 AM

Residues, Resistance, Regulation: Transatlantic Histories of Antibiotics in Agriculture Chair: Scott Podolsky, Harvard University

“Swann Song? Negotiating Risk, Fears and Prosperity Regarding Agricultural Antibiotics in Post-war Britain,” Claas Kirchhelle, Oxford University

“An Unholy Alliance? Pharmaceutical Industry, Veterinarians and Meat Production in Germany since 1945,” Ulrike Thoms, Universitaetsmedizin Berlin

“Risking Professional Identity in an Antibiotic Age: Veterinarians, Antibiotics, and the U.S. Dairy Industry,” Kendra Smith-Howard, University of Albany

3:30 PM

Rethinking the Hotness and Coldness of Drugs: A Cross-Cultural Conversation Chair: Yan Liu, Harvard University

“Japanese Synthesis: The Case of Bagnon,” Alan Hawk, National Museum of Health and Medicine

“Food and the Humors in Isaac Israeli’s “Universal and Particular Diets,” Anna Dysert, McGill University

“The Coldness and Hotness of Opium,” Florin-Stefan Morar, Harvard University

“Reflections on Hotness/Coldness and Toxicity in Chinese and Greek Pharmacy,” Yan Liu, Harvard University

“The Divine Farmer would never taste any drug with his stomach”: Hotness / Coldness as Ontological Categories in seventeenth-century Chinese Materia Medica,” He Bian, Harvard University

“Regulating Chinese Materia Medica in Australia: The Yin and Yang of Yao, Du, Poisons and Drugs,” Ray Tiquia, University of Melbourne

Probing the Limits of ‘Method’ in the History of the Neurosciences Chair: Frank Stahnisch, University of Calgary

“The Process of Forced-Migration as “PR Process?” German-American Psychiatrist Lothar B. Kalinowsky (1899-1992) and the Trans-Atlantic Transfer of the Electroconvulsive Therapy Approach,” Frank Stahnisch, University of Calgary

“Between Clinic and Experiment: Wilder Penfield’s Stimulation Reports, 1929-1955,” Katja Guenther, Princeton University

“Re-Configuring the Parkinson’s Personality,” Dorothy Porter, University of California, San Francisco

“Imaging Emotions: Reconfiguring the Social in Neuroscience,” Susan Lanzoni, Harvard


10:30 AM

Housing and Health: Historical Perspectives Chair: D. Bradford Hunt, Roosevelt University

“Selling Synanon: The Residential Addiction Treatment Industry’s 1960s Revival,” Claire Clark, Emory University

“Tramps as Vectors of Violence and Contagion: A New Look at Stigma toward the Un- housed Poor in the United States, 1870-1922,” Marian Moser Jones, University of Maryland, College Park

“How Research Connecting Housing and Health Sparked the Rise of the Healthy Housing Movement,” David E. Jacobs, National Center for Health Housing and Janet Smith, University of Illinois at Chicago

4:00 PM

Governing Narcotics Chair: David Courtwright, University of North Florida

“Big Pharma’s Real Nemesis? The Federal Bureau of Narcotics as Pharmaceutical Regulator,” David Herzberg, University at Buffalo, SUNY

“From Methadone Maintenance to the War on Drugs: The DC Narcotics Treatment Administration,” Mical Raz, Yale University

“Have You Got Any Grass?” Psychiatric Perspectives on ‘Narkomanija’ in Communist Yugoslavia (1965-1990),” Mat Savelli, University of Pittsburgh


8:30 AM

Pharmaceutical Origins Chair: John Swann, Food and Drug Administration

“Between Regional Dynamics and Modernity: Tracing the Rebirth of a Japanese Medicine Industry in Osaka,” Julia Yongue, Hosei University

“Trademark Law and the Nineteenth-Century Origins of Generic Names,” Joseph Gabriel, Florida State University

“The romance of exploration and emergency first aid”: Tracking the Narratives about Burroughs Wellcome’s “Tabloid” Medicine Chest,” Meegan Kennedy, Florida State University

10:30 AM

Therapeutic Epistemologies Chair: Nicholas Rasmussen, University of New South Wales

“Hedging Ones Bet: Emil Roux’s 1894 Diphtheria Antitoxin Trial and the Role of Joseph Grancher’s Architectural Design and Hygienic Regulations at the Hopital Enfants des Maladies,” Paul Berman, University of Massachusetts

“Testing Standards as Regulatory Instruments: A History of Non-inferiority Trials and Dilemmas in Antibiotic Drug Development,” Arthur Daemmrich, University of Kansas

“A Challenge for European Health? Medicines Consumption, Drug Risks, and Health Policies in Western Europe, 1950-1980,” Nils Kessel, University of Strasbourg

Dread, Exorcism, and Addiction Chair: Alison Winter, University of Chicago

“An Enchanting Witchcraft: Masculinity, Melancholy, and the Pathology of Gaming in Early Modern London,” Celeste Chamberland, Roosevelt University

“Anxiety Weaponized: Dread in the Era of Cold War Politics,” Simon Taylor, Columbia University

“The “Intuitive” Exorcists: Religion, Medicine and Spirit Possession in 1970s England,” Neil Armstrong, Teesside University

See you in Chicago!

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