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DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS EXTENDED TO NOVEMBER 30, 2014! Borders, Boundaries & Contexts

Points Editors

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

The deadline has been extended for papers and panel proposals for an international conference on the history of alcohol and drugs to be held at Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, USA on June 18-21, 2015.  Panel proposals (3 x 20-minute papers) or individual papers (20 minutes) are invited.  We will also consider proposals for fringe sessions using non-conventional formats e.g. screenings, debates, demonstrations etc.

Borders, Boundaries and Contexts seeks to break down barriers in the historical study of drugs and alcohol, encouraging transnational approaches and methodologies that transcend the singular focus on alcohol or drugs.  The Program Committee invites proposals for individual papers and complete panels exploring how:

  1. spaces, boundaries and borders – physical, legal, chronological, psychological, or ideological – have influenced the history of alcohol and drugs;

  2. contexts, spatial or otherwise, have shaped the production, consumption, imagination, or regulation of alcohol and drugs;

  3. particular “spaces” have defined eras, episodes, or issues in the history of alcohol and drugs.

Proposals from advanced graduate students and recent PhDs are particularly welcome, as are submissions on topics beyond North American and Europe, along with papers and panels that focus on periods before the modern era.

Send submissions to by November 30th, 2014.

For further details, you can view the full CFP here.

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