April 8th – 9th, 2021 | Virtual Learn, share, and advance medical marijuana research

Hosted by the Consortium for Medical Marijuana Clinical Outcomes Research, we welcome your participation and attendance at the inaugural Cannabis Clinical Outcomes Research Conference (CCORC).
With a focus on learning and sharing latest research findings, CCORC aims to provide a forum for researchers, clinicians, policymakers, and community stakeholders to discuss and advance our understanding of the health effects of medical marijuana.
As with many scientific and clinical conference currently, CCORC will be held virtually this year to ensure safe and healthy interactions.
Through the creative use of virtual spaces, CCORC will offer live interactions with our outstanding group of keynote speakers and panelists, as well as self-paced programs such as poster sessions and our exhibit hall where attendees can browse at their leisure.
CCORC 2021 Keynote Speakers

The keynote speakers for CCORC 2021 will be:
Dr. Donald Abrams, Integrative Oncologist, University of California, San Francisco Osher Center for Integrative Medicine;
Dr. R. Lorraine Collins, Associate Dean for Research, School of Public Health and Health Professions, University at Buffalo;
Dr. Ziva Cooper, Research Director, UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative.
Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in the Cannabis Clinical Outcomes Research Conference (CCORC)!
To learn more about the conference, visit ccorc.mmjoutcomes.org today.
Registration is now open! Conference rates are $50 for early bird registration (before April 1st); $75 for regular registrations; and $20 for students.
About the Consortium for Medical Marijuana Clinical Outcomes Research
The Consortium for Medical Marijuana Clinical Outcomes Research, founded by the state of Florida legislature, conducts, disseminates and supports research on the clinical effects of medical use of marijuana. Composed of nine universities in the state of Florida, the Consortium works to enhance the evidence on the safe and effective use of medical marijuana to inform clinical decision-making and guide policy. Learn more about the Consortium at mmjoutcomes.org.
Please direct any questions to mmj.outcomes@cop.ufl.edu.