The Alcohol and Drugs History Society is pleased to release its call for papers for the 2022 biennial ADHS conference, currently scheduled for June 15–17 in Mexico City. The 2022 conference theme will be “Rethinking Alcohol and Drugs: Global Transformations / Local Practices in History.”
The conference will be a collaboration between the ADHS and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales (IIS-UNAM). ADHS hopes that this conference will be an in-person event, but please stayed tuned for more details in early 2022.

José María Obregón, El descubrimiento del pulque, 1869. Image courtesy of Wikimedia.
As jurisdictions around the world begin relaxing regulations on psychoactive substances including cannabis and psychedelics, the consequences of an era of prohibition call out for historical scrutiny. The politics of prohibition have plagued the history of alcohol and drugs, and scholars have examined points of contradiction, friction, resistance, and even opportunities created by restricting some substances and encouraging others. We invite participants to “rethink” this history, drawing inspiration from new sources, methods, and historical actors to deepen our understanding of the historical significance of alcohol and drugs.
All participants must be registered as members of the ADHS. Join the ADHS.
To submit a proposal
Please send a title, abstract and 1 page CV by or before January 7, 2022 to: Abstracts should not exceed 300 words. Panel proposals are welcomed. Submissions will be accepted in English or Spanish.
Where and When
ADHS is proud to host its first meeting in Mexico City. Latin America has always been an important source and exporter of hallucinogens, licit and illicit psychoactive drugs, and various kinds of alcohol. This region exists at a crossroads of ideas, drug products, and policy decisions that have flowed in and out of this region with dramatic consequences for the rest of the world. It has always played a central role in our understanding of intoxicants, from practices to policy.
Mexico City is ideally situated as a venue for the Alcohol and Drug History Society’s 2022, biennial conference. Following on from the success of the 2019 ADHS meeting in Shanghai, the Mexico City conference will broaden networks and enhance exciting scholarship on the history of drugs and alcohol, while attracting researchers from all over the world to these timely studies.
Venue—El lugar

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México has a notable spacious campus and good public transportation (metro and metrobus), with museums and restaurants within walking distance from the Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales. There are several hotels nearby, such as the Radisson Paraiso Hotel. There are also two malls close by, Perisur and Plaza Cuicuilco, with a wide variety of coffee shops, restaurants, and stores. The campus is near San Ángel and Coyoacán, two beautiful historic southern Mexico City neighborhoods with a plaza, markets, restaurants, museums, and bookstores.
For more Information
To learn more about the call for papers, the conference, the venue, and the organizing committee, please visit the Call for Papers on the ADHS website.