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Call for Proposals: Criminal Justice/Legal History @ SSHA

Points Editors

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

Editor’s note: The Points symposium marking the 40th anniversary of David F. Musto’s The American Disease will continue on Monday. In the meantime, friends of the ADHS call our attention to the following CFP:

The Criminal Justice/Legal History network of the Social Science History Association is soliciting panel and paper proposals for the 38th annual meeting of the SSHA, November 21-24, 2012, in Chicago, Illinois. Panels and individual papers on any topic of interest to scholars of Criminal Justice/Legal History are welcome. Proposals connected to the overall conference theme, “Organizing Powers,” and panels organized around recently published books, are encouraged. Themes of particular interest include the carceral state, policing resistance, juvenile crime then and now, exporting U.S. Constitutionalism, and crime and political protest around the world.

The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2013. For more information on the meeting as well as the general call for proposals, refer to the SSHA website. More on how to submit proposals after the jump.

The SSHA requires that submissions be made by means of its web conference management system. Paper title, brief abstract, and contact information should be submitted by logging in to If you haven’t used the system previously, you’ll need to create an account, which is a very simple process. Once you’ve created an account, you can submit your proposal. While we welcome proposals for both individual papers and panels, we especially encourage the submission of complete panel proposals. Panel proposals, whether for roundtables or for regular panels, generally include an organizer/chair, a discussant (these last two can be the same person), and at least four presenters. The SSHA organizers are quite strict about the number of presenters, so if we receive a panel proposal with only three presenters, we’ll do our best to add a fourth from among the individual paper proposals before submitting it to the program committee. SSHA has set up a mechanism for networks to share paper proposals, so some paper proposals submitted to our network may end up in panels organized by other networks, and vice versa. It is possible and useful to associate a paper or a session not only to our network, but also to other possible co-sponsoring networks. Co-sponsored panels and papers are encouraged by the SSHA Program Committee as a means of broadening the visibility of the various networks.

The members of the Social Science History Association share a common interest in interdisciplinary and systematic approaches to historical research, and many of us find the SSHA one of the most stimulating conferences that we attend. If you have any questions, please contact the network co-chairs, Tamara Myers ( and Michael Fortner (

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