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Call for Papers: ‘Regulating Reproduction in the History of Pharmaceuticals and Drugs’

Points Editors

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, the official journal of the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy (AIHP), is pleased to announce a call for papers for a special issue: “Regulating Reproduction in the History of Pharmaceuticals and Drugs.” Guest editors for the special issue will be Dr. Kelly O’Donnell of Yale University and Dr. Lauren MacIvor Thompson of Kennesaw State University.

This special issue seeks to reframe histories of reproduction and reproductive control by centering the varied substances that have been used, prohibited, regulated, and celebrated for their role in human procreation. This special issue also will help address an understudied area of pharmacy and pharmaceutical history at a particularly propitious moment in history.

The editors seek papers on topics including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Abortifacients

  2. Pharmaceutical contraceptives (e..g, the birth control pill, Plan-B)

  3. Medication abortion

  4. Pharmaceuticals and drug use in pregnancy broadly construed

  5. Roles of pharmacists in reproductive health care

Submission Guidelines

To submit a proposal for the special issue, please send a 300-word abstract and 2-page CV to guest editors Kelly O’Donnell and Lauren MacIvor Thompson at by October 15, 2022.

Invitations for manuscript submission of 8,000 words will be sent by December 1, 2022. Drafts for internal editorial review will be due by February 1. Revised drafts will be due for external peer review by mid-March. Please consult the full HoPP author guidelines when preparing manuscripts.

For this special issue, we are also open to review essays, shorter historical commentaries, and non-traditional formats. If you are interested in proposing a shorter piece such as this, please contact the editors directly.

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