Points has opened applications for five new Contributing Editors to join the team.
Contributing Editors are required to conceptualise and author eight blog posts per year, between 750-1500 words on matters regarding drug and alcohol history and/or contemporary drug and alcohol cultures. For this, each Contributing Editor receives an annual honorarium of USD 500.00.
Points would like to take this opportunity to expand the diversity of content shared on the blog, and encourage that applications for Contributing Editors are from individuals who are able to write informed posts which specifically address drug and alcohol histories/cultures of one of the geographical regions outlined below:
America, specifically regarding Native American/Native Indian drug or alcohol cultures
East Asia
Europe (including UK or Ireland).
Middle East
South Asia
We understand that within these geographical areas there is even greater diversity and multiplicity of drug and alcohol cultures. However, these broad categories allow flexibility to attract applicants. We do not expect that applicants are expert authors on the entirety of South Asian or European drug/alcohol histories/cultures, for example. These categories have been selected in order to best complement the existing skill-sets and knowledge-base of Points Editors and regular contributors.
Please apply by sending an email to Points Co-Managing Editors, Claire Davey (c.davey615@canterbury.ac.uk) and Mary Magnuson (mmagnuson3@wisc.edu) with the following content:
Short biography of expertise & the geographical region you would like to be responsible for writing about.
An example of your writing, 1500 words max (this does not have to be writing that has been published).
Contributing Editors do not have to be academics but must evidence the ability to write informed pieces based upon expertise in the field of drugs and alcohol, and be willing to work with the Managing Editors on any required edits or suggestions. Applications from postgraduate students are also welcome.
The deadline for applications is 31st December, 2022. Selections and feedback will be completed by 31st January, 2023.
Feature Image: CHUTTERSNAP