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AIHP PhD Research Support Grant Program

Points Editors

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

The AIHP PhD Research Support Grant Program is designed to provide financial support for doctoral students pursuing academic research related to the broadly defined history of pharmacy and pharmaceuticals. The Program offers grants up to $2,000 to cover research expenses not normally covered by the student’s university (as described in more detail below).

The Institute is now accepting applications for 2022 AIHP PhD Research Support Grants. The deadline for submission of applications is April 1, 2022.


Instructions & Eligibility

The AIHP PhD Research Support Grant Program is open to all PhD students enrolled in a university based in the United States, regardless of department or discipline. The student need not be an American citizen; nor does the research topic need to be in the field of American history. The research must be clearly and significantly related to the history of pharmacy or pharmaceuticals, broadly defined.

Use of grant funds is restricted to direct research expenses that cannot normally be reimbursed by the degree-granting institution itself. Examples of eligible expenses include: travel and living expenses at a site removed from the home university to pursue or conduct research and actual investigative or research costs (such as costs incurred to collect, compile, record, and process data or information and costs incurred to obtain or secure access to essential sources). Examples of ineligible expenses include living expenses of the applicant at the home university or indirect expenses such as overhead or other institution-related costs.

Applicants should submit their application as a single.pdf document of no more than four pages in length that includes:

  1. The applicant’s name, address (including email address), telephone number, university affiliation, expected graduate degree, major area of specialization, and expected graduation date.

  2. A tentative title and short prospectus of the research project.

  3. A brief narrative explaining the significance of the research for the history of pharmacy or pharmaceuticals and describing the activities that will be supported by the grant.

  4. An itemized and annotated estimate of expenses for which a grant (up to $2,000) is being sought. Include a brief statement of other financial support received or applied for to be used within the period for which the AIHP grant is sought.

In addition to the four-page .pdf application, applicants (or the supervising facility member) should also submit by email a Letter of Support from a faculty member or supervisor.

Completed applications should be emailed to with “PhD Research Grant Application” in the subject field. (The Letter of Support may be emailed separately.) Questions about the AIHP PhD Research Support Grant Program should be sent to Confirmation of receipt of the application will be sent by email.

Deadline for Application: April 1, 2022. At the discretion of the Institute, an application received after that date may be evaluated individually if any funds remain unawarded.


Post-Award Requirements

Recipients of a grant will be asked for further information and to fulfill certain additional post-award requirements. These include:

  1. Providing the applicant’s Social Security number for grant disbursement.

  2. Providing a brief progress report (a one-page summary of recipient’s progress and accomplishments) six months after receipt of the grant.

  3. Providing a final report (2-3 pages) within a year of receipt of grant funds that summarizes activities funded by the grant, discusses research findings, and provides an itemized list of grant expenses incurred,

  4. Working with the editors of History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals to submit a paper for consideration for publication within two years of receiving the grant.


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