What Students Write about Drug History
What is it that interests students about the history of drugs? As it turns out, a wide variety of topics. And not necessarily the ones...
American Drug History, The Box Set
Over at the blog Mexican Opium, Mikelis Beitiks has began to assemble a “Wordtrack” on the history of American drug law–a kind of...
Wachovia’s Drug Habit
The Observer reports on how Wachovia – one of the United State’s largest banks before it was purchased by Wells Fargo in 2008 – laundered...
Also Not for the Squeamish (Or for Anybody, Apparently)– Feminist Alcohol and Drugs Scholarshi
Earlier today, Points Contributing Editor Michelle McClellan used her experience in a near-empty room at a Women’s Studies conference to...
Interdisciplinary Collaboration–Not for the Squeamish
It might sound like the beginning of a bad joke: one historian, two social workers, and a psychologist walk into a conference room…. but...
Recovery Lifestyle, 2.0
Today witnesses the launch of TheFix.com, a new “sober lifestyles” site offering “addiction and recovery, straight up” (their words, not...
Are Drug Traffickers Re-Colonizing Africa?
In 2009 the West African country of Guinea Bissau made a rare and brief appearance in the international media when, in the early hours of...