What Drug War Anniversary?
A few days ago, New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow commemorated the “40th anniversary of one of the biggest, most expensive, most...
Cops and Doctors: The Hidden Drug War
Siobhan Reynolds’ most recent guest post to this blog does an outstanding job of making the case that we (meaning both society writ large...
American Drug History, The Box Set
Over at the blog Mexican Opium, Mikelis Beitiks has began to assemble a “Wordtrack” on the history of American drug law–a kind of...
Are Drug Traffickers Re-Colonizing Africa?
In 2009 the West African country of Guinea Bissau made a rare and brief appearance in the international media when, in the early hours of...
Capitalism + Dope = Genocide
Lunchtime once again finds me browsing around online, and I’ve stumbled across Michael “Cetewayo” Tabor’s famous 1970 pamphlet...
Disconnect: Moral Liberalization and Mass Incarceration
Note: The following is David Courtwright’s thoughtful response to my earlier post, in which I raised some questions about his recent...
Quaalude: The one that didn’t get away?
I was talking to a 67-year old relative about Quaalude at a recent family event. (Does this sort of thing happen to you all the time...