Teaching a Drugs and Germs Course (At Last I Join You All!)
In the fall of 2010 I designed and taught a graduate course called Drugs and Germs in Global History and Empire. The course began in the...
What Students Write about Drug History
What is it that interests students about the history of drugs? As it turns out, a wide variety of topics. And not necessarily the ones...
Wachovia’s Drug Habit
The Observer reports on how Wachovia – one of the United State’s largest banks before it was purchased by Wells Fargo in 2008 – laundered...
Are Drug Traffickers Re-Colonizing Africa?
In 2009 the West African country of Guinea Bissau made a rare and brief appearance in the international media when, in the early hours of...
Capitalism + Dope = Genocide
Lunchtime once again finds me browsing around online, and I’ve stumbled across Michael “Cetewayo” Tabor’s famous 1970 pamphlet...
I’m Shocked, Shocked! to Find that People are Doing Drugs On Campus!
And even more shocked to find that other people are being shocked to learn of it. That’s what’s going on over at Inside Higher Ed today,...
Doing Drug History from a Drug War Zone
A Student Murdered One hot morning last May, the El Paso Times brought news that many of us had been dreading—a student from the...