Final Dispatch from Buffalo: Licit Drug Wars
Editors’ Note: The following is the final installment in our series of reports on the biennial ADHS conference held in Buffalo. Our...
Editors’ Note: The following is the final installment in our series of reports on the biennial ADHS conference held in Buffalo. Our...
We’ve been noting for a while now the upcoming conference, Pub, Street and Medicine Cabinet, otherwise known as the 6th International...
A few days ago, New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow commemorated the “40th anniversary of one of the biggest, most expensive, most...
Meth and Moral Panics, Part One and Part Two led us to the question of whether and how we ought to arbitrate the real in assessing the...
In my first post on the moral panic concept, I briefly described the short-lived furor over smokable crystal methamphetamine between late...
Siobhan Reynolds’ most recent guest post to this blog does an outstanding job of making the case that we (meaning both society writ large...
Today, I’m posting the first in a short series on the concept of “moral panic” and its utility for those of us who write and think about...
Over at the blog Mexican Opium, Mikelis Beitiks has began to assemble a “Wordtrack” on the history of American drug law–a kind of...
One of the rewards of blogging is an instant boost to your awareness of what others are doing with the same sort of forum. Among other...
The “point” of an academic group blog has been the subject of a fair amount of discussion, and my colleague and co-Managing Editor Trysh...